THE QUESTION WOULD BE: (regarding Q 24:40)
The Islamist vd Ethiest, Islamist claims darkness's under deep ocean was never discovered till 1970 was there in Q 24:40. CP BRO is there anything in Q 24:40 please explain. (From SEARCHING TRUTH)
Q 24:40 explains oceanography a claim by Islamist in a debate with atheis what about CP Bro? (From SEARCHING TRUTH)
@CP Hello Sir when you get a chance can you please comment on Q 24:40, I heard an Islam teacher proclaiming it as OCEANOGRAPHY in Quran ( From A Phillip)
@Christian Prince they are now saying Quran 24:40 is about level of darkness and internal waves under the sea. which was not known at the time? ( From valentino rossi46)
Thank you in advance Christian Prince.